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Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday is Failday!

Today we had English and PDSM test. For English, we had reading test which is just read a passage and answer questions. I left the room after 40 minutes. As for PDSM, it was kind of easy except for a few questions. Finished in like 20 minutes I think?

Ok, after that, we ate lunch at the cafeteria. Today they had "Ayam Pandan"(Pandan Chicken). Ayam pandan is like the best food served in the Cafeteria. After eating, we left to send Alif to the Mosque I mean Community Hall where they do their prayers. So Me, Teck Quan(driver), Ming Juei and Wijaya went to look for the cendol stall where people wear uniform. We found it! Teck Quan was scared to park at the road side(since the cendol stall was a road side one)so he drove to the Store. We don't know why but Teck Quan lead us in to the store, exit at the other end, walk to the back of the Store and back to the car. First of all the cendol stall is more than 1 km away from the Store. Secondly, we walked one big circle around the Store. Since Wijaya wanted to go to toilet, the rest of us excluding Alif because he was praying. Got in to the car and we drove off. We saw Wijaya Walking to the car but we just drove past him and he didn't even realize until Ming Juei started shouting.

So we drove to the Community Hall to wait for Alif. Opposite the hall was a Chinese high school so we were looking at girls. Even got to see ___________ . Alif came out and it was like 2:14 and we didn't have enough time to go eat cendol so we headed back to college. On the way, there was a long trafic jam. I was playing songs in the car; stuff from Girls Dead Monster(Alif requested), then M.O.V.E. then the Darkness. We were singing away and laughing because we sounded gay. Ming Juei on the other hand was sleeping until he started leaning on my shoulder. Since one of my principles in life is "Don't Disturb Sleeping People", I didn't bother at all. It started raining and we were caught in the rain; no air cond because Quan Quan Cai's car's air cond rosak. Since it was raining heavily, we were caught in the rain and had to run to the shuttle stand once we parked the car. Waited like hell for the shuttle to come and Teck Quan was so worried because we were already late and Teck Quan has group presentation to do for OSE. Reached college and rushed to class just to see the finale for the first groups presentation. When Quan Quan Cai did their presentation, they went overtime and did not show Matrix Runs on Windows XP.

In conclusion, Friday is Failday. Failwarwick.


  1. First of all...let me take out the wrong statements...
    1. we left to send Alif to the Mosque I mean >>Community Hall<<(Masjid) where they do their prayers.
    2. Opposite the hall was a >>Chinese high school<<(SMK Sri Petaling) so we were looking at girls

  2. another statement

    i didn't sing any gay song
