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Monday, June 7, 2010

YUI わ~。°(°´д`°)°。~ん

I wonder why do I react to things so late. After a long time after watching episode 10 of Angel Beats! finally I realized YUI わ~。°(°´д`°)°。~ん.

If you want to know more, its here. Warning!!! Spoiler alert.

So what have I been doing the whole time since I last posted? Assignments, Baka Test, K-ON!!, and a few other stuff.

What I have to say:
1.) K-ON!! sucks. Its not that funny, getting boring episode after episode. Not only that, they are recycleing the same songs over and over again. Come ON! this is supposed to be a musical show. It lacks MUSIC! EPIC FAIL! I would say that Angel Beats! is x1000 better. Its got great music, great characters, great story, great jokes and so many other great stuff.

2.) Baka Test is boring from the start but actually is funny. Their strategies also are superb!

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