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Saturday, May 7, 2011

[EVENTS] MONO's Concert

Rush rush rush rush.

Had a quick dinner at popeyes and rushed cuz we were already late.

Luckily when we queued up and enter, we still got almost to the front. Still good, or rather lucky.

After a while, the first band, AKTA ANGKASA played. Didnt like their music that well because if you can translate instrumental music into vocals, it has what I would classify as badly arranged lyrics and constant recycling the same words except having different words o form that line. The band was a 4 person band where you have a guitarist, a bassist, a keyboardist(which was a girl) and a drummer.

Next was CITIZENS OF ICE CREAM. I was actually quite impressed with their music as i didnt expect it to be that good. Their music was arranged to revolve around the keyboardist(thats what I think). Probably will get their album soon. Oh yah, their keyboardist was damn good.

Lastly was FURNITURE. Music, meh. Vocals? Ok I will now get into the main issue here. The sound guy should get sacked. Basically, the person who was in-charged with the sound system has a liking to up the sounds for guitars until it eats into everything else. So for the first band, they had to call them to change the volumes after each song. Second band for first few songs. For Furniture however, they were the only band which sung. Sad to say, the vocals were swallowed up by the music until you can see the main singer opening his mouth but no sound could be heard coming out.

When MONO came out, I predicted the first song they will play would be Ashes In The Snow. Sure enough they did. Follow the Map and another song from the album Hymn to the Immortal Wind. Can tell what some of the tracks were. Then, I told by brothers, "I hope they will play Moonlight". Sure enough they did play that as their next song.
That was their last song. Then the band proceeded to leave the stage. The crowd started shouting "We want more!". After constant efforts, one of the Soundscape guys went on stage and told the guy in-charged of the lights to cut the lights. He did. However, the lights at the entrance to the stage was bright enough where people could see the band pop up. They came onto the stage and actually spoke to the crowd. I guessed they came back to play a bonus track which I predicted would be Everlasting Light. Sure enough they did.

Overall, the concert was worth the RM100. Oh yah, I picked up 3 picks. 1 was on the synthesizer, 2 were on the floor below the stage. My guess, the first one i picked up was used by MONO. How to guess which one(they got mixed up)? I guess its the one which is most warned off. However, I was very disappointed with the sound guy because even MONO were communicating with each other and telling the Soundscape guys that the volumes needed adjusting(several times).

Sunday, May 1, 2011

[FOOD] Sakae Sushi

Went there on Thursday. Reason is that there was a buy 1 free 1 for all red plate(RM5.99).

As we were about to enter, they greeted us with irashaimasen, expected because its a Japanese restaurant. The waitress who brought us to our table was short and cute(too bad i didnt get her pic but maybe next time).

Since I was a first timer there, my bro had to teach me how to order and how their system works.

Drinks, I had some green tea. RM2 just for a packet of tea so we drank about 10 cups worth since it was good. Problem is at the end near the tea bag, there is a burnt like taste but who cares? Good tea is good tea.

First dish that we took was NOT a red plate but a blue plate which is the most expensive. Octopus...

Don't ask me what the rest are called. I'll just post images:

The eggs leaves a good feeling in the mouth.

These eggs pops in your mouth leaving the awesome juice behind.

Soft shell crab. Should have eaten it when it was freshly served to us.


Some mixture of shrimp octopus and salmon I think?

Probably this was the most disappointing dish because the picture looks so much appetizing than the actual dish.

Overall, the food tasted great and was worth the money spent.
I would rate:
Taste: 9/10 Never eaten sushi like this.
Dining ambiance: 9/10 Place was kinda cramp.
Cleanliness: 8/10 because the plates at the table were dirty.
Customer service: 10/10 Because the waitresses id take the time to explain and answer questions when answered.
Overall: 9/10